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T-Ball is for children 5-6 years old who are ready to learn the greatest game in the world in a low-pressure, fun environment.  Children will be introduced to the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In T-Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee. Rules of the game are designed to accommodate the need for teaching. As a non-competitive league, the primary goals of T-Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball, to allow them to experience the value of teamwork and give them the opportunity to play baseball with their friends.

There are 9-12 players on a team.  One game per week.  No base stealing.  No umpires.  A safety ball is used.  All batters bat each inning.  All players play on defense. The emphasis is on fun and learning the game. 

Rookie division is for 6 to 7-year-old children who have completed a year of T-Ball, or are new to the area or the game.  Rules are similar to T-Ball, except coaches pitch the ball to the children from one knee, changing the speed and location for each child’s capability.  The goal is to teach children to love the game and to be good teammates.  Sportsmanship is stressed.   

One game per week.  Some coaches may practice, others may elect not to.  No base stealing.  No umpires.  A safety ball is used.  All batters bat each inning.  All players play on defense.  The emphasis is on fun and learning the game. 


The Single A division is for children 7-8 years old. No 6-year olds. Players hit off a pitching machine, and continue to build on the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. The primary goals of Single A are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball, to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. Teams are drafted. One practice and one game each week. No base stealing. Junior umpires. Reduced Injury Factor (RIF) Safety Ball. Playoffs start, but standings are not kept during the regular season. 

The Double A division is for children 8-9 years old who are transitioning from machine-pitched play to batting against opposing youth pitchers. This division introduces the young athlete to the skills of pitching and hitting a ball. Each team shall consist of 10 to 12 players. The primary goals of Double A are to create a fair and balanced competition throughout the division and to provide a supportive environment for skill and team development. 

Youth pitching is introduced at this level, from 46 feet.  Two practices (field and batting cage) and one or two games each week. One professional umpire and one Junior umpire per game.  Limited base stealing. There are playoffs, but standings are not kept during the regular season.  Some access to professional coaching is offered to the teams. 
The Triple A division is primarily for children 10-11 years old who are continuing to develop their abilities in a competitive baseball environment. Triple A is Hermosa Beach Little League's highest Minor division before moving on to Little League Major baseball. Each team shall consist of 10 to 12 players and the teams shall be drafted.  

9 children play in the field at a time.  Youth pitching (46 feet).  Two practices (field and batting cage) and one to two games each week. One professional umpire and one Junior umpire per game.  Limited base stealing. There are playoffs, but standings are not kept during the regular season.   Some access to professional coaching is offered to the teams. All-Star teams are formed.  

Majors Baseball is mainly for children 11-12 years old who are refining all the skills they have been building up in the Minor divisions in this next stage of competitive baseball.  A team shall consist of 10 to 11 players and the teams shall be drafted.

To play Majors, a child must meet one of the following criteria - NO EXCEPTIONS:

  • Played Majors last season

  • Little League age 12 - DOB between 9-1-12 thru 8-31-13

  • Already played 2 years of AAA

9 children play in the field at a time.  Youth pitching (46 feet).  Two practices (field and batting cage) and two games each week. One professional umpire and one Junior umpire per game.  Base stealing. There are playoffs, but standings are not kept during the regular season.   Some access to professional coaching is offered to the teams.  All-Star teams are formed. 

Junior Baseball is for players that are 13-14 years old who are honing their abilities at the highest levels of competition. Junior baseball is played using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. As a competitive division, the primary goals of Junior Baseball are to provide the players a suitable vehicle to take their game to the next level in preparation for most competitive arenas of Youth Baseball such as High School and Senior Little League.

Rosters can range from 10-14 players. Professional coaches lead the teams, with assistance from volunteer parents.  Professional umpires officiate the games.  Scores and standings are kept.  Full baseball rules.  All-Star teams are formed. 

Seniors Baseball is for players that are 15-16 years old who are honing their abilities at the highest levels of competition. Senior baseball is played using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. As a competitive division, the primary goals of Senior Baseball are to provide the players a suitable vehicle to take their game to the next level in preparation for most competitive arenas of Youth Baseball such as High School and Senior Little League.

Rosters can range from 10-14 players. Professional coaches lead the teams, with assistance from volunteer parents. Professional umpires officiate the games. Scores and standings are kept. Full baseball rules. At the conclusion of the season, the top players from this division are selected for All-Star teams. 


Hermosa Beach Little League
710 Pier Ave 
Hermosa Beach, California 90254

Email: [email protected]

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